Monday, November 17, 2008

Introduction To MFi

Introduction To MFi
By Chief Executive His Holiness
Younus AlGohaR

A detailed introduction to Mehdi Foundation International And it's Objectives
Mehdi Foundation Internatinoal is an interfaith non-religions
spiritual intuitional organization.MFi is the abbreviation of Mehdi foundation internatinoal .MFI comprises of people belonging to various religions anf faiths.The common interest between the assorted members coming from different religions and faiths is the bond of Divine Love,and miraculous Doctrine of His Holiness RaRiaz GohaR Shahi.Sometimes,MFi Appears to surprises many as to how people of different religions and cultural background are together,striving for widespread of divine love under umbrella and discipline of one organization,"MFI"!
Today as the world suffers from widely plagude terrorism at the hands of Islamists,MFI appears to be a cool breeze,and a candle of love amid stormy hatred,and torch of spiritulaity in the wilderness of materialism.pakistani's who have played a key role in international terrorism,are widely defamed and have been made subject to stern ploicies,suspicion and severe security checks.But His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi has done wonders to change some of the pakistani nationals to convert into His discipleship to have become a symbol puzzled to see some pakistani's propagating divine love,respecting humanity,embracing the Jews,the christians,the Hindu's,the sikhs and all other religions to be their spiritual brethren.But that is-the Miraculous Goharian Doctrine!
Most of the westerners become confused to see these pakistani's preaching Divine Love,and heralding the news of the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ.This is because Pakistan is thickly populated with islamist hardliners who portary radical Islam.But amid all these hateful Islamists,did initate His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi His Mission of Divine Love!His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi Voiced against radical Islam,He condemned Islamists,He discouraged terrorist,He tried to convince Pakistani's to adopt divine love,and develop respect for humanity,and He explained that the Christians and the Jews too follow the truthful religion;therefore,they also should be respected.But Pakistan Goverment and Islamists declared him to be an enemy of Islam,blasphemous to Prophet Muhmmad,and disrespectful to the Muslim-sacred book,"the koran";Blasphemy cases were implicated against His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi,He Was awarded 92 years of imprisonment in absentia,whilst He was touring the United States in the year 2000.
His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi Was perecuted and victimized severely and harshly.The Islamists announced bounty on His head.He was attacked;many attempts were made on His life.His residence in Manchester,England was set on fire.Pakistani politicians,Pakistani Bureaucracy,Pakistani
Judiciary,Pakistani Armed forces,Pakistani Police,Pakistani religious organizations,Pakistani clerics-all oppesed His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi vehemently.they,All formed alliance,and worked collectively in order to eliminate His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi and His Doctrine in Pakistan and abroad.
His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi reached the pulpit of worship places of all the religuons.He conferred sermons in the Mosques,the Hindu temples,the Churches,the sikh temples and the synagogues.His Teachings are widely and equally accepted among members of all religions and faiths.All religions Love His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi,for He is the Messenger of Love,and the Saviour for the humanity.
Pakistan and Islamists continue to perecute and victimize His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi and His discipleship.At least 50 MFI members are in Pakistan Jails for propagation of Divine Love.They have been charged with blasphemy cases.Freedom House America initially helped MFI,but latter they stopped the help,as the Pakistani Prime minister Shoukat Aziz misguided them to label us as terrorists.And the Freedom House America believed the Pakistani Prime Minister against us without needing to confirm the allegation,in absence of any evidence.Reccently,63 MFI members migrated to india from pakistan,in a hope to sind shelter and asylum.
They Protested against tyrant Pakistan and inhuman Islamists.They burnt effigies of Pakistani President and Prime Minister along with effigies of Islamist a fit of rage and overwhelming emotions,they happened to throw their Pakistani Passports in blazing fire .It did cost them fortune.Indian Police instantly arrested them for not being in possession of travel document.They have been sent into the jail.19 women and 7 children are among 63 members.5 of the women preganant in advance stages.2 of the women have lost sanity.They were abused and sexually harassed in the jail.Now Indian Goverment is considering repatriating them back to Pakistan.Indian Goverment seems to bear no sympathy for these 63 MFI members who escaped from severe persecution and potential death sentence.
MFi members travel around the world to prpagate the word of divine love;however International Immigration does not render privilege to our spiritual ministers.They treat our members the same way as they treat the terrorists This is because our place of origin is Pakistan,and despite the fact that His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi has converted our nature from hateful to amiable,but our Pakistani-Looks cannot be changed.We Wish we were granted due respect in the Internatinoal society.we wish the International Community accepted us as equal human beings.When Christian or a Hindu is perecuted in Pakistan,all international Human right organizations become active,and they strive to save him,all Western countries offer asylum to him.but we stand in helplessness and dismay!No NGO wants to help us.No country is ready to grant asylum and shelter to our members.Does the unbiased institution of the United Nations also show favouritism among certain nations?
Formal Introduction To MFI
Source of Inspiration
MFI takes guidance from the doctrine of His Holiness RaRiaz GohaR Shahi.We preach and practise divine love.His Holiness RaRiaz GohaR Shahi has prescribed divine love for all humanity.MFi does not associate herself with Islam or any other religion.However,MFI respects all religions and all divinely ordained scriptures,
MFi renders practical Teachings of divine love,His Holiness RaRiaz GohaR Shahi initates hearts with God's Light,and implants seed of divine love in from of god's name in the heart.His Holiness inserts the name of God in the throbs,thus divine energy is produced when the name of God strikes .His Holiness says:All names of God are worthy or great respect.different religions call upon God with different names in their languages.However,in order to rep the fruit out of this sacred practice of repeating the name of God,the name must be synchronized within the throbs of the heart,and that is how the divine energy is produced.The heart is a pumping station;it purifies the blood and circulates it throughout the whole body.when the name of god is synchronized within the throbs,divine energy starts to be produced withinthe hear,and the heart thus circulates the divine energy throughout the whole of the body.The souls are concealed within the blood;the souls are awakened whence the blood becomes enlightened.
His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi has apointed His Spiritual Ministers to promote the practical teaching of divine love.this sacred elixir of the heart is granted to the entire humanity without prejudice to any religion,any nation,any faith,any cast or creed.This divine facility is granted to all humanity equally.and there is ni's absolutely FREE
MFI endeavours to wipe out hatred from the society and from the lives of all humanity.The Society has become corrupted owing to medification made within all religions.The spiritual system has been destroyed in almost all religions;people have shunned the quest of obtaining inner purification and enlightenment .Morality is on the decline.Spiritual values have diminished.Mutual Love,faith unity and brotherhood have faded away from the society.Religiosity has bred contempt.The Muslims are waging war against the christians and the Jews.the Jews dislike the Muslims.Every religion considers itself to be the best among the rest .No religion possesses the connection with GOd.the religions no longer provide sustenance and nourishment to hearts and soul.the inner evil instinct in human beings continues to grow from worse to the worst.This is because the religions have lost the hidden spiritual sense.
MFI strives to raise the awareness of the long forgotten spiritual science among all religions.God Does not have physical existence in this phenomenal world;hnce God must be soughth through spiritual means.God cannot be associated with phyiscal bodies.According to a Prophetic tradition;God dose not see physique and from,but rather he sees through hearts and pure intentions,Hence,MFI provides the humanity with means of inner purification and spiritual enlightemint.
MFI aims to unify all hearts and all souls of all humanity.MFI aims to bring about Spiritual Revolution on international level.MFI aims to beautify the heart of aspirants who seek intermediary to reach God.
MFI aims to render spiritual assistance to all religions recognize and approach the Essence of God by virtue of adopting the Myseical Doctrine of His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi.
MFI aims to curb hatered from the hearts of humanity.Negative attributes in human beings take its roots from presence of devilish instinct in all human beings.
In short,MFI aims to bring about divine love,and root out hatred from the hearts and lives all human beings.
Responsibilities OF MFI
God has manifested the images of Jesus Christ,Our Lady Mother Virgin Mary,Durgha Maa(The Sacred Hindu goddess)and images of His Holiness Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi on various sacred,earthly and celestial objects and locations.MFI endevours to publicise these divinely ordained images.this is the divine plan that of unifying all religions and merging them all into one great religion;the religion of God;''divine love".
Some people,mostly the Muslims make mockery out of these divine sings.The Westerners may think it is just a hocus pocus,but these images are divine manifestation of God,s signs in order to alert the humanity of the second coming of lord Jesus Christ and apperance of promised Messiah.The Muslims reject these divine signs very harshly.However, the famous muslim jurist from the houshold of the prophet Mohammad, Jafar Sadiq said;The face of imam Mehdi would shine on the moon.
Hi Holinees Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi's Picture on the Moon
The picture of His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi on the Moon speakes all languages,and has spoken to tens of hundreds of people all over the world.Thsi Divine Portrait of His Holiness Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi on the Moon not just communicates with masses but also renders Spiritual Benevolence to all aspirants who seek Divine Love.
MFI promotes this heavenly manifested divine facility among all religions,with view to benifit all humanity from its grace.
International Media is disinterested in promotion of this Divine Facility
We request Media to help publicise this great cause,but the Media show on interest in the promotion of the divine facility.
Religious fanatics,fundamentalists and orthodox type do not approve of this mystical doctrine.
We however strive in the way of God's Love,and we are determined to spread the world of love unassisted.
We would like to request the fair-minded citizens,and just governments to help propagate this great cause,We request the International Immigration to honour or members the due that they may freely roam around the world to propagate the word of Divine Love.