Monday, November 17, 2008

Letter to Humanity from the Minister of RaRiaz"Younus"

Letter to Humanity from the Minister of RaRiaz"Younus"

Energy that runs the Biological Human system is the By-production of the original Energy that which created the core of creation.Diseases of Physique and Spiritual Organs!
Diseases of Physique and Spiritual Organs!
Each organ in the human Body has some "specific energy,"Noor",which keeps it healthy and functioning properly.
[Light of Lord]
when this specific energy is lost, due to any reason,the concerned organ is diseased and affected,its functionality errs!
the prescrobed medicine replaces the lost energy.hance,the health therein is restored.
there are some unique types of illnesscs and diseasce, which the medical science has no answer to.this is because the medical science has not managed to fine the required herbs or substance that may replaces the concerned type of lost energy.these diseases and illnessec are declared to be incurable.
[Spiritual Healing has answer to all types of diseases]
Because Spiritual Healing is based on provision of Divine Master Energy,that Which encompasses all types of energies.
Energy that runs the Biologicl Human system is the By-production of the original Energy that which created the core of creation.RaRiaz is the Core of the Divine Cravity
As soon as RaRiaz enters one's Soul,Divine Wisdom that runs the Cosmos is granted to the recipient of RaRiaz.
A true Spiritual Healer os one who is totally enlightened in his heart,soul,head and in the stomach.
The enlightened souls produce divine energy in bulk .The entire body is lit up like a christans Tree.
His Lunge,His hair pores,his Touch,His Feet,His breath,all become divine clinic.
When He breathes,He inhales the Evil Energy from the surroundings,and converts it into Divine energy to exhale it to the people sitting around Him.
Mere sitting around such Blessed people is restoring physical health.
A Spiritual Healer transmits divine Energy to the affected organ of the diseased person to render him sound health tht last for his life.
Healing the Soul to embrace into God's Lap(Sub-Header)
Souls also catch illnesses and diseases
when one keeps compnay of a person that does not believe in God,disbelief is a spiritual contagious disease that infacts other souls too.
Disbelief,haypocriay,duality and infidelity are seekers of God catch such illnesses and diseases from infected people.
What one need at this stage is divine docter.
The divine Docter heals the soul with his spiritual power and Authority,and rostores Spiritual Health
This Is Messiah's Doctrine,Messiah that Humanity awaited for centuries.meesiah,whose countenance has God shown on the celestial body,such as the Moon,the Sun,the Mars and other loctions and objects
Messiah whose Pictures speek,heal and revive is known as the Lord of all Lords,the king of all Kings,"RaRiazGohaRShahi".
RaRiazGOhaRshahi beats in millions of hearts,His Love throbs in many breasts,He is heard in all nations,He shine in all Souls.
RaRiaz GohaR Shahi Who teaches Humanity to behave like divinity!
step forward,run towards the Open arm invitations od MFI,stride to the call of Love,The Humanity awaited Him for centuries,now Messiah Ra Riaz GohaR Shahi await YOU.
Yours Truly,Messiah's Minister,Younus AlGohaR
Mehdi Foundation International

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